If you are experiencing difficulty with the video or audio portions of the program, please click on "Test Your Connection" below, and the system will immediately diagnose your device and player. At the end of the test, you have the ability to email your issue.

Test Your Connection


  1. Whenever possible, use a hardwired network connection instead of wireless.
  2. If the webcast freezes and doesn’t recover in 3 to 4 seconds, refresh the browser window.
  3. If you continue to have freezing or stuttering issues, you can adjust the amount of bandwidth needed.
    • First move your mouse anywhere over the video window; a toolbar will appear at the bottom.
    • On the right side you will see an “HD” button; click on that button and a list of options will appear. The default option is "Auto."
    • Try selecting a lower bandwidth (such as 360p) to see if your webcast improves.
  4. If you would like to view the webcast at full screen, display the toolbar at the bottom and click the double arrow in the far right corner. The screen will enlarge to the full screen of your system. To restore the size, press the “Esc” key.